

Ever since the Immigration Act was signed, there has been a considerable increase in immigration from all over the globe. According to the Pew Research Center, the levels of immigrants in the US has quadrupled since the Act was put into law. Even though this bill wasn’t foreseen to bring about much change in the immigration system, it did end up being one of the main causes of diversity in our country. 

This law not only changed the lives of those seeking to enter the US, it also changed the lives of the people living in the country. Immigration created economic growth in our country. As a counterpoint of view, a large amount of Americans saw new immigrants only as people taking housing and jobs in the US. There are also many people in our country who oppose immigration because there is a lot of illegal immigration. At this time it is estimated that 12 million immigrants are living in this country against the law which is creating a present source of debate in the US. ​​​​​​​

Immigrants protesting for a reformed immgration law- nytimes.com 

Graph of immigration levels- migrationpolicy.org.

Immigrants first seeing the statue of liberty- time.com.